Friday, 3 October 2014

skignz launches it's own YouTube Channel

YouTube is the huge social media video website where people upload videos for a range of reasons, they can be accessed privately or if they are made public, they are opened up worldwide for everyone to see.

That is why skignz has decided to share some of the awesome videos we have been producing over the last 18 months and hopefully take full advantage of global exposure. Now everyone is able to see just how good skignz is and what it can do in many different scenarios, locations, sectors and everyday settings!

skignz has a wide variety of videos, ranging from sports to festivals to video blog updates.  

The videos uploaded are very interesting and have a personal suitability to everyone from any gender to any age. 

Video blogs created previously managed to land skignz our first office opening in Las Vegas. 

We recently taken part in a Kickstarter campaign which sadly didn't end well as we had expected, resulting in us canceling the campaign as we were quite a way off reaching our target. 

However this is not all bad, more of a learning curve as we are looking forward to working on content for a new campaign to launch next year. 

However from this, we did create a skignz bloopers video which came from the original Kickstarter video. Using the footage that ended up on the cutting room floor as a result of the hours of filming, which is very funny and entertaining. 

So although we sadly are no longer using that video or running the Kickstarter campaign, we suggest that you take a look as it will make you laugh a lot.

Please click the image below to take you to our YouTube site to watch some of our awesome videos! Or you can alternatively click the link at the bottom of the blog post. 

skignz can guarantee that you will enjoy the video's that are uploaded so we suggest you have a watch of them all and see if any of them stike a chord with you? It could be that you don't quite understand how skignz works? or that you think you could use skignz in your business, organisation or place of work.

If you like the videos and would like to know more about a certain one then please contact us and have a browse of the skignz website and you can find us on social media.