Monday 29 July 2013

Ever get lost at a Festival?

Ever get lost at a Festival?

Well make this something of the past with skignz.
We all at one time get lost wherever we are especially at a festival in those large crowds, particularly after a drink or two not to mention how irritating it is not being able to find the toilets or the bar!

Let’s be realistic, we've all been there. One minute you're pushing your way through a crowd with your group of friends - the next thing you're stood confused and totally alone.

Even Fall Out Boy has experienced this: "I had a friend who was so out of it and he got lost at a festival. He was one of those guys who could get super sad about things like that, and he did. When we found him, he was so upset that all we could do was to wrap him tight in blankets. He was having a super bad time." If only Fall Out Boy discovered skignz he could have found his friend a lot faster saving him getting super sad.

All you and your friends have to do is download the skignz app then you would be able to visualise through your smart phone or tablets a virtual sign placed directly above your friends head to see where they are, or even the toilets or the bar, making it a lot easier and saving time so there’s no need to miss too much of your favourite acts!

If you wish to find out more and have your say then head to #Discover Skignz and see how much it improves your festival experience!

Thursday 25 July 2013

Sky-nz, Skignz or Skins?

Sky-nz, Skignz or Skins?

We all have a little difficulty pronouncing words from time to time.
Tomato; tom-A-to, potato; po-TA-to are commonly pronounced in the wrong mannerism. The famous Primark; PrEmark debate is just one example of where pronunciation of a brand name throws people off. How much does this matter?

We’ve done our research and found that popular footwear retailer ‘Schu’ also faced pronunciation difficulties in the introductory stages. However overcame these as the brand became more established with its' customers.

Regardless of the way a company is pronounced we feel a strong brand speaks for itself. We all know we can grab a bargain at any Primark store - some even calling the high street retailer Primarni; to reflect its great quality goods with an affordable price tag.

We at skignz feel, alike to Primark, the quality of the technology and capability of our app will speak for itself. However for all the intrigued users out there the correct way to pronounce skignz is [sky-nz]. The clues in our strap line: Skignz - Your signs in the sky.

Here is a example of how skignz will be seen in the dictionary:

noun, plural skignz’ es (especially collectively) skignz for 1.

1. An abbreviation of the words signs in the sky.

2. A company that is set to revolutionise the world.

3. An application that put viral signs in the sky via a mobile device.

4. A new cost effective marketing channel.

Should you wish to talk to skignz to find out how skignz can help you with your companies/organisations communications please email us on