Friday 9 August 2013

Ever fretted about your partner?

Ever fretted about your partner?

Well there might just be a sneaky little answer to this problem!
We all know there is many people out there that love to spy on someone to see what there up to, and there is no way to find out everything they do unless you follow them in person!

Social media such as Facebook and Twitter have been patented as the best ways to know what someone is up to most of the time, just by taking a look at their profiles to see that status update or what they may be tagged in!

The Mail Online states that nearly 90% of jilted lovers are stalking their ex’s on social media sites. This is becoming more common as it is now easier to access information and more people are participating in it.

Imagine your wedding day coming up and you think that your partner might be stalking their ex; or even worse up to no good this would be a huge concern you would have to find out what there up to!

Want a sneaky way? Lets be realistic hiring a detective just costs too much.

The technology is now available to let you place a actual sign above someone’s head to see their whereabouts whenever and wherever they are. It has been that advanced and developed that you can now take advantage of this up to date technology that lets you find out what your partner is up to without the risk of getting caught!

Don’t let your relationship or wedding day be ruined by worrying and thinking nothing good. Check out what the new technology is all about; use it and help yourself out.

This can be a new way for you to keep track of your partner if needed and could even result in less divorce happening often and more happy marriages and relationships being saved!

Let us know if skignz has helped you in answering your concerns!

skignz in just a few words!

skignz in just a few words!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Heads up to the Brownies ;)

Heads up to the Brownies ;)

Now I’m not sure if this is just a girl thing or I am one of a minority but reading confusing road signs is not my strong point. I simply do not understand why I am in the northeast but a road sign says A1 north or A1 south as regardless of the direction I choose I’m still in the northeast hence the north. No south in there what so ever so why would I head south?! I know this sounds a bit crazy but surely I’m not the only one that finds these signs baffling. I’m not by any means saying I cannot read road signs as I can navigate around normal signs (stating destination) with ease but these that have the same road with two compass readings next to them throw me especially if its my first time in that location.

Following a discussion on this topic with my peers all the girls agreed that these signs were confusing and can relate to my story on numerous occasions. However one girl found it crazy that we didn’t get it. This girl had been a brownie as a child but what difference did this make? Answer. All the difference. She’d been taught from a young age how to read maps and basic survival tips. Something I’d only ever talked about with my old gramps! She knew how to co-ordinate and navigate using a standard map. I guess my reliance on Google maps hasn’t quite prepped me for map reading =S.

If you have had this experience then share it with us!