you have probably read our last blog post about losing your mobile phone and
how much it affects your life, it has got me thinking as to what products and
services we have that fundamentally do change our lives.
of our daily routine has many gadgets and services that we use and do probably
not realise just how much these have changed what we do and how we act. They
will have gone from being a luxury that we either will have bought as a one off
or present given to us and then most likely bragged about this to try and show
it off.
As everyone does with something new, you know you do it I do too!
There’s nothing wrong with doing it, why not show off a brand new present that
you have got keeping up with the cool trends in the market, it makes you look cool
to have that product too. The majority of people will have experienced getting
something new and cool in the market and felt like the best person around, but
that was a while ago now.
These products and services have become so
predominantly present in our lives that we basically live by them now. Without
them we would feel like we could not do something or would not be able to
function feeling like a important part of your world has disappeared.
on the last blog, you will have seen and understood just how it feels to lose
your phone, it’s like losing a limb. No connection, no friends, no nothing. So
why don’t we have a look and see how each of these products and services have
come so predominant in our lives that we live by them, they are no longer a big
of a luxury as they used to be.
1. The Mobile Smart Phone
mobile smart phone has no longer become just a phone. Years ago, a phone was a
phone. It allowed you to call people and text, a way of keeping in touch and
communicating with other people when not together. However now, so many smart
phones have been brought out, such as the iPhone, iPhone 4, ,4s, 5, 5c, 5s, HTC
and so on. With the technology constantly changing and improving, it now allows
us to do whatever we need on a mobile than how we used to in person.
Take for instance what we can do on a smart phone now; It becomes our bank – online banking can be done through the phone so no need for a computer, and now Barclaycard you can pay for anything with your phone – just one swipe away! How crazy does that sound, imagine doing that years ago. Not to mention all the apps, navigation tools, social media sites, fitness, music and so on. I could literally talk about how everything we do in our life can now be done through our smart phone, it actually is mad when you think about it in detail!
Take for instance what we can do on a smart phone now; It becomes our bank – online banking can be done through the phone so no need for a computer, and now Barclaycard you can pay for anything with your phone – just one swipe away! How crazy does that sound, imagine doing that years ago. Not to mention all the apps, navigation tools, social media sites, fitness, music and so on. I could literally talk about how everything we do in our life can now be done through our smart phone, it actually is mad when you think about it in detail!
2. Tablets
now in the market have become a number 1 device to own. Why would most people
want to use a desk top computer or a laptop still when they can do all that on
one screen? All brands are now bringing out tablets, from Samsung, Apple,
Microsoft to even Tesco’s own. Tablets have provided people with a on the go
service, to be able to do what they want or search for what they need wherever
they may be and whenever they wish too. It has brought about a whole new
concept, that wherever you go you can take your tablet. You don’t need to
search about for a computer when you have that handy thing right there with
you. Who would have thought that years ago from a desktop computer to a laptop,
would come about a tablet device, which allows you to do whatever you do on a
computer or laptop, to now on one little screen wherever you are. It is just
3. Microwave
how you used to cook your food years ago? (The oldies will know of this, only
joking!). Think of how the transformation has gone from conventional cooking to
a microwave. A electric square box that you can shove food into, switch it on
and few minutes later there you go, you have a ready cooked meal that would
have took only a fraction of the time as to what it would have used to with
conventional cooking. It has provided a handy service for everyone, an
especially student which makes them living alone for university much easier
when it comes to cooking and feeding for themselves. It can save them a lot of
time when in a rush to do University work, as it will with most people and is a
main priority that everyone needs in their life at some point. If you don’t
already have one which would be a surprise, I am sure that you will get one soon.
4. Trolley Suitcases
suitcases are the more simple services that we never did used to require.
Imagine now having to carry around your heavy luggage when travelling or moving
or going away. What a pain that would be!
How grateful are we now for them
putting wheels onto our suitcases! It has made our travel experiences much
easier. I bet you can’t imagine suitcases or trolleys being without wheels in
the past. The way that we have taken it
for granted as a service that we just assume will be there for us is only
natural. But think what you would do if you didn’t have wheels on your
suitcases. It has provided convenience for families, travellers, kids and even
old people when doing their shopping. Trolley suitcases have become a main
essential in our lives now.
5. SAT Nav
we all know how important a Sat Nav is in our life! Oh god just imagine trying
to travel somewhere without having satellite navigation to be able to guide you
about. It used to just be a road map or atlas that you would have to study to
find your way somewhere prior to the journey.
Trying to remember all those
directions off by heart or reading a map on your own travelling on the road,
danger just shouts out to us. How inconvenient were those paper maps and
directions to navigate us about. The change in the revolutionary technology of
Sat Navs is just amazing. Now Sat Navs are either built into your mobile
device, into your car stereo or available to buy to attach in your car on your
journeys to help navigate you; and they speak to you!
So you don’t have to pay
too much focus on looking where you need to go, you simply can just hear
someone directing you on your way. Now I know that no one now will like to go
without a Sat Nav. If you don’t have one in your car handy there ready to use
or even so built into your car depending what one you have, it will surely be
on your smart phone ready to use when needed. Sat Navs have become a daily part
of our routine to help guide us in where we need to go.
The upgrade from paper
maps to Satellite Navigation has become so major in our life’s that we do take
it for granted now.
6. Flat Screen TV’s
Screen TV’s have become a big want now in people’s homes. Remember what old
TV’s used to look like, big square bulky devices in your house. Now they are an
essential item that the majority of people have in their house.
Imagine having
an old TV, would you embarrassed if someone came into your home and seen it?
Most of you would, and why is this, this is because Flat Screens TV’s became
the new trend and now they are what people need to have in their houses. It
will either make them look good, the house look good or even provide a sense of
feeling good through having one to show off.
You may not realise it until you
think about it, but Flat Screen TV’s are needed now in your life, whether you
don’t have one yet, you secretly or knowingly want one.
7. Recordable TV
about Flat Screen TVs becoming a need now in people’s life, it brings me on to
thinking about how recordable TV is now making its way gradually into everyone
homes onto their Flat Screen TVs.
Recordable TV is now replacing videos and
DVD’s. TV now is recordable, depending on what service you have or what
television you have, it is now possible to record any film or show that you
don’t want to miss. Surely not everyone may have this yet, but everyone knows
about it. Plus with guarantee it will make its way onto almost everyone’s TVs
in the foreseeable future. Just as Flat Screen TVs have become a major in
people’s homes, recordable TV will also end up the same.
It is a trend that
starts off and everyone eventually wants to have. 3D TV is also now making its
way around being available on certain Televisions, it isn’t an essential as all
the other yet, but in the future will be just as key as Flat Screen and
Recordable TV.
8. Electric/Hybrid Cars
and Hybrid cars are now becoming more popular in people’s lives when it comes
to choosing a car. The electric and hybrid cards allow carbon emissions to be
reduced in vehicles and provide better for the environment.
Providing better
for the environment is an absolute main activity that everyone is getting on
board with. Every company, area or place everyone is talking about being green
and better for the environment. No doubt that in the future, most cars will
become electric or hybrid so that the world will not have as many bad emissions
in it as it does now.
Providing well for the environment is changing our lives,
even designing cars now one of our main transportation, to make sure that the
environment is looked after better. The majority of cars will most likely
change to electric/hybrid in the coming years.
9. Drive thru
food and take away are a nice luxury to a little night in that everyone has
that once in a while. However they may be nice to order but paying that
delivery price is sometimes just not worth it depending on what you want.
That’s when drive-thru came about.
They were handy for whenever you fancied
something to eat you could just pop to a drive-thru wherever you were. You
did not have to order or wait ages for a delivery and pay the charges; you can
just nip yourself whenever you want and collect food and take it home. A drive-thru also allows you to not have to que in a massive restaurant, you can
just order and collect in the comforts of your own car.
Imagine now not having
a drive- thru to be able to collect food whenever you want, you wouldn’t like
That’s how popular it has become now in our lives and changed the way about
which we eat and order food. Restaurants
know how popular it is that they in the future will most likely out drive-thru on most of their food places to
save the service going elsewhere if waiting time and que is too long.
10. Email
is definitely one of the main sources of communication in everyone’s life.
Think how it used to be just hand written or a typed letter then just posted to
whoever you needed, it took ages and ages for the communication to happen and
anything to get sorted.
Now email has come about. It is so prompt in our life’s
that if it got taken away from us, we would have lost a main communication tool
to friends, work, family, colleagues or even other businesses. It is the number
one communication tool between everyone and it’s literally a vital part of our
routines, whether it is at work or not at work, it allows us to speak to
whoever we wish and whenever we want, and know that we don’t have to wait ages
for that reply.
11. Internet
internet now is essentially defiantly 100% sure something that everyone in the
world has. No matter where you go in the world, the internet will always be
there. It is such an important aspect of the world and everyone’s life that
they actually could not go without it. It provides any information you wish
open to anyone and available to all one way or another.
The internet in a huge aspect has definitely
changed our lives. We rely on it to search for what we wish, to communicate, to
have fun, to shop literally to just do anything and whatever we want. Imagine
being without it!
12. Google
is the top search engine that everyone uses. It has changed how we search for
everything. Google is so big in our lives now that we use it for everything. We
use it for searching for food, shopping, information, history and even our
That’s how important it has become to us now that we even use to search
for symptoms or to help us out when we are ill or feeling unwell. We trust
google to come up with an answer for how we are feeling; or even an answer for
anything we search for we expect to get it answered.
Just imagine how it would
be and feel to not have google. It has stopped us from looking at
encyclopaedias and yellow pages; it now provides us with everything and
anything we want. And I know that everyone uses it for a lot, lot of stuff and
information needed.
13. Social Media
Media these days now is how we live the communication side of our life. It has
provided us with a whole new way of communicating and staying in touch with
everyone that we now take it for granted.
Everyone or even most people ranging
from young to old have social media. Not only has it become so conspicuous in
our lives, that it has become so important with businesses to be able to
advertise their company and even celebrities. Facebook and Twitter are the ways
that people communicate, have fun, gossip and even advertise.
Social Media is
everywhere and it a way of how we live our lives now. Without it, we would feel
empty; how would we search for jobs, get job offers, find friends, communicate,
gossip, have fun, be nosy and so on. That’s just how much it has changed our
14. Taking Photos
photos you might not think has changed that much in our lives. Although it has;
photos now you do not always need a camera for or an actual photograph device.
Photos are taken through our smart phones which can be taken wherever and
whenever we are.
Think of not being able to take a photo on your smart phone
when you want, how annoying that would be. That shows just how much taking
photos through our camera phones have changed in our lives.
15. The IPod
The iPod being brought about has now changed how we listen to music. Remember we
used to have Walkmens and Disc Mans and you would have to actually buy the CD
and insert it into the device. Now with the iPod brought out, it has allowed
everyone to listen to music by just downloading it for free online and then
listening to it whenever you want without any problems.
The iPod became so
popular in our lives that it actually almost probably put business such as HMV
into administration. That proves how much people used it daily and stopped
buying CD’s.
16. Book Publishing
think how book publishing has changed the way we now read and buy. Book
publishing is not done how it used to be, it is now all done through
self-publishing and kindles. They have become so popular that people will buy
as they can download a book whenever they want and have it handy on them
whenever they want to read.
They also can store a selection of their favourite
books and reads them when they feel like it. This has changed the way that most
of us read, we choose to do it electronically rather than buying books off the
17. Mass Production
This combination of accuracy, continuity and speed introduced mass production to the world. At Highland Park, Model T production reached record levels, with a complete car leaving the line every 10 seconds of every working day.
18. Aeroplane
18. Aeroplane
make the world go round, literally. Anywhere we want to go we can get there
through aeroplane. They allow us to travel wherever we wish without no worries
of how we are going to get there or any complications along the way.
now not being able to go on holiday or where you need to due to not having the
available travel access, how awful would that be.
19. Medicine
improvements now in medicine have revolutionised so much that a lot of
illnesses can now be helped or cured. Without the advancement in medicine and
no access to it, there would still be a lot of very ill people about.
is surely something that people do take for granted now if they have access to
it, they just expect to get it when ill. Think yourself lucky others sometime
are not lucky enough to be able to have medicine like we do in our lives. Makes
you think doesn’t it.
20. Computer Technology
Technology allows us to create any piece of work or anything we wish on the
computer. It allows us to search, design, create and do a lot of stuff we never
used to. I bet a lot of you think about how it has all changed, and how now the
world and people themselves most likely could not go without.
At least
something in their daily lives would be revolved around computer technology
whatever that may be.

This list just shows us how we have taken everything for granted and that we do need it in our lives, whether that may be now or in the future at some point each of them point will prove handy.
will surely add to this list and even could replace one or two items on the
list with the pieces of revolutionary technology that has been created. In the
future, you could use Skignz in your life.
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the app for free and see what you think of Skignz.