skignz visited the USA earlier in the month. Co-Founder Si Brown, Jamie Clarke and David Murphy caught the flight out of Manchester into NYC.
Upon our arrival we were greeted with the now customary US Security checks, which seemed to take an age!
Upon our arrival we were greeted with the now customary US Security checks, which seemed to take an age!
Travel was smooth, and the flight was made quickly by the team meeting which took place on the flight, ensuring that they were prepared and ready for what the US held in store for skignz.
Upon arrival into the Big Apple, it was straight into meetings.. No time for sightseeing just yet.
The guys met with our partners at the British Consulate to discuss raising the profile of skignz in the states. The meeting went extremely well, with lots of positives and further actions coming out of it.
The guys met with our partners at the British Consulate to discuss raising the profile of skignz in the states. The meeting went extremely well, with lots of positives and further actions coming out of it.
The energy the states has for tech of this kind is so exciting, it makes you realise just why it's a world leader in this area".
The guys had another 3 days of meetings booked in across NYC, catching up with friends of skignz, making sure people knew they were around and generally enjoying the energy of the people they met.
The weather was kinda nice, the City was awesome and the links made will benefit skignz long term.
One close call was the terrible fire right next to team skignz's hotel, very sad to see a beautiful old cathedral burn through the night, nobody was hurt we are glad to say, just such a shame to see the old building smoldering and smoking as we left.
Overall, a successful trip to NYC… But there's more… The guys then flew from NYC into Atlanta.
One close call was the terrible fire right next to team skignz's hotel, very sad to see a beautiful old cathedral burn through the night, nobody was hurt we are glad to say, just such a shame to see the old building smoldering and smoking as we left.
Overall, a successful trip to NYC… But there's more… The guys then flew from NYC into Atlanta.
Arriving in Atlanta the guys were greeted by blazing sunshine and the friendly faces of Team, Choose:ATL, Atlanta's Chamber of Commerce.
The guys from Choose:ATL had met Si and Jamie at SxSW back in April, and had struck up a great relationship.
There have been many occasions where our friends across the pond have been a strong advocates for skignz in the US, and in particular Atlanta.

There have been many occasions where our friends across the pond have been a strong advocates for skignz in the US, and in particular Atlanta.
They had set up several meetings in Atlanta for skignz to build further relationships. With a packed agenda, we even scheduled in some time for the Guys to help out at a junior football (Soccer) club by delivering a coaching session.
The skignz team met with the General manager, who became increasingly impressed by the possibilities of using the skignz technology as an enhancement to their 'Fan Experience' on match/game days.
The stadium will be shared by the City NFL Franchise the Atlanta Falcons, and the brand new MLS Franchise Atlanta United.
The links made here will prove extremely useful to the skignz brand and allow the stadium to embrace technology to give visiting and home fans a truly complete Match Day Experience.
The hospitality shown by everyone in Atlanta was second to none, with the guys being invited to a Southern style BBQ.
They welcomed us into their Network, City and even their homes with open arms.
This City has had a lasting effect on me and I know the guys feel the same way”.
Negotiations are now taking place for a return visit to firm up some of the ideas and meetings which took place. Watch this space for further updates!!