Sunday 19 April 2015

skignz: Trigger points and Your health

As part of a new feature in our Blog & Monthly Newsletter, We are speaking to other companies and asking some to provide us with an interesting feature each month.

This month we are looking at how our own health affects our working performance and WellBlocks offered to provide us with an interesting outline of the trigger points in your body. As most people who working in emerging technologies, we spend a lot of time, sat at a Desk, sat in a Car, Train or even a plane. or a combination of them all All day, Everyday.

This got us thinking here at skignz about those little niggles, aches and pains. recently our Co-Founder & CMO Si Brown was talking to Dr Caroline Keddie, the creator of Wellblocks and thought her invention was the ideal topic to kick off our monthly guest blog feature.

It’s not just skignz talking about Trigger Points in the air

Trigger points are tiny knots that build up in muscles overtime causing pain and all sorts of troubles. From migraine headaches to achy necks and sore knees. 

They are exacerbated by repetitive actions, overuse and bad posture. 

Slowly tightening and shortening muscles until imbalances occur and joints, tendons and nerves are pulled off kilter.

The smallest part of a muscle's contraction that can be seen under a microscope are Sarcomeres. 

The contraction of muscles occur when Actin & Myosin protein molecules are attracted to each other when stimulated neurologically. Trigger points occur when the Actin & Myosin fail to uncouple. The muscle fibres then accumulate into a tight knot. When this happens blood circulation through the fibres is suppressed and inhibits the fuel required for the Actin & Myosin to release exacerbating the problem further.

Trigger points can be active or latent. 

Active 'Trigger Points' cause spontaneous pain, with or without motion, and latent trigger points may only be obvious on touching. 

It is believed that our muscles slowly build up many latent 'Trigger Points' overtime and Travell and Simon, the main writers on 'Trigger Points', believe that it is this build up of latent knots in the muscles that leads to much of the stiffness and joint pain characterised by old age.

There is no operation or drug that can reduce or eliminate these 'Trigger Points'. The key is to use a treatment that increases the circulation of blood at that sarcomere bundle, or knot, therefore allowing the Actin and Myosin to separate and the fibres to run freely again. 

Massage therapists use thumbs, knuckles and elbows. Sometimes it simply takes a little on off pressure to release these points as the blood comes running back through the muscle fibres.

Not everyone can afford the time or money for massage and, actually, Trigger Points prefer a little massage and often e.g. 3-6 times a day for a minute. 

So thats why Wellblocks was created, for this very purpose. 

You would not believe the difference they can make if you simply use them on the go, or at your desk, a few times a day. By not giving the muscles the chance to build up knots you will stay pain free.

A Few Problems brought about by Trigger Points

Pictures courtesy of

Headaches and stiff sore neck

Trigger points in the Trapezium, Levator Scapulae and Sternocleidomastoid can cause migraines and neck ache. 

Common for computer users and desk jobs.

Sore thumbs from texting & using Apps:

Use Wellblocks at your desk to release muscles

Sore knees and Hips:

Trigger points in the Tensor Fascia latae (TFL), and the quadricep muscle, Vastas Lateralis,  and glutes can cause tightness that pulls the knee, or hip, off kilter. Wellblocks are much better than foam rollers for loosening Trigger points.

Sore shoulders    
The main culprits Trigger Points in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus. 

Again these can be released using Wellblocks against a wall or chair.

The good news is 'Trigger Points' can be your friend as with very little pressure the circulation can improve, the knots release and your muscle become long again.

Problems can be relieved within days or a couple of weeks for more long term chronic problems. 

Then maintenance is the key. Wellblocks allow you to maintain at your desk. 

They come with a free instructional App with simple, quick programs for all sports and lifestyles. From Golf to Cycling. Dentist to desk worker.

The first production run of Wellblocks has now started and they should be available in the next ten weeks. 

For pre orders please sign up at

Follow Wellblocks on twitter and LinkedIn  for up to date information.

Also watch this mini film here

For further information on skignz please visit or check us out on all the usual social media channels.

Thursday 9 April 2015

skignz: Aprils Fool... Gotcha again!

This year the skignz team stepped up there Aprils Fool joke from last Years Multi Million Pound deal with NASA....

This Years Aprils fool was titled: 

NEWSFLASH: Facebook Confirm $30B bid for skignz...

With a short description under the main image in the Email NewsFlash, we directed the reader to click here for more... 
and when they did, they were greeted by this little fellow...

Again our 'NewsFlash' seemed to create much interest with the more than 3 times as many opens and click throughs as our 'Monthly NewsLetter'.

this resulted in over 100 people being stung by our 'April Fools joke for 2015'.

Thanks for all of you who took part and for seeing the funny side. However we must say that quite lot of those who we did 'fool' were good sports, but a lot of you actually wished that it was true and it wasn't 1st April. You do! We can assure you that we did too lol.

rest assured that if/when that does become the headline, please check the date first, but we have done this once...

so next time who knows... it could be true ;-)

As always if you want to see what else we are up to at skignz, what we are involving ourselves in and sharing on Social Media then please find us on the usual channels or take a look at our website 

Tuesday 31 March 2015

skignz: Investment Secured

skignz are delighted to confirm that they we confirmed investment into the company in order to expedite our growth.

We have been working with Northstar Ventures, over the last few months to agree a package of investment that will allow skignz to increase its team, relocate to new premises and increase our activity with a range of clients who we are looking at considerably larger projects with.

Northstar Ventures Image

skignz is now embarking on a recruitment drive to secure a number of key members for their growing team, as well as investing significantly in its User Journey, UX Design, New Website, API and Agency Support Platform.

skignz logo image

The investment was welcomed by Co-Founder & CMO Si Brown said: 

"With this influx of investment it allows us to establish a firm foundation for growth, secure the Patents and rights to the skignz technology platform. Working with Northstar Ventures has also allowed us to measure our progress to date and establish firm goals for the Short, Medium and Long Term futures..."

skignz have been supported and advised by the Particular team and would like to thank them for their continued help and support, Awesome guys who have been invaluable not only through this process but over the last few years.

Particular Legal Logo Image

Further announcements on skignz growth will be made in due course.

If you would like to follow skignz's progress then please see our website at, read this blog, even sign up for our regular Newsletter. Also we are on most Social Media platforms.

if you are looking for investment at varying stages of your business growth then check out Northstar Ventures at

If you are a Start-up or small tech Company and are looking for proper support in both Business and legal advice then check our Particular at they have offices in both Newcastle and London, UK.